Wednesday, May 15, 2013

BlackBerry Messenger V.8 at Beta Zone

Hello Blackberry user...

RIM has announced new version Blackberry Messenger 8, the previous versions is BBM7 which is have new feature is BBM voice (you can called your bbm friends using wi-fi connections)

This BBM 8 only avaliable at beta zone, which means this applications still beta versions, if you interested to try, download it here (OTA) :

Screenshot i pick from Berryindo :

BBM 8 is avaliable to OS 5, 6, 7 and 10, and BBM 8 have new feature, BBM Channels, i didnt try it yet, so i dont really know what is BBM Channels.

Here is descriptions from Blackberry Blog :

Top BBM Channels Features:
  • Create a channel – Create, edit and publish in an instant, and there are no limits to the number of followers you can have in your channel. Securely manage your channel from either a BlackBerry smartphone or the web.
  • Discover channels – BBM Channels includes a carousel that lets you discover new channels. You can share channel invites within a BBM chat, and people can be added or invited using the channel’s PIN or QR code.
  • View – View profiles for each BBM Channel you choose to follow.
  • Subscribe – Subscribing to a channel allows the channel owner to send you timely and relevant updates, giving the subscriber instant access to your news, deals, events or whatever you want to communicate. Subscribers can choose to receive notifications when new posts are available.
  • Participate – Participate and engage in conversations with your favorite people or communities by “Commenting” and “Liking” posts from channels you subscribe to. Channel owners have the option to directly chat one-on-one with a subscriber.
  • Monitor engagement – Easily use built-in measuring tools to assess and monitor follower engagement and interaction

Tips before downloading BBM 8 :
1. Have account at Beta Zone
2. Have Blackberry ID
3. Fast connections, Wi-fi connections is better


Aku udah download versi yang ini, awalnya udah berhasil, trus karna hang, aku restart, loading udah slseiii , trusssss nyalaaa sihhhhhhh tapi nyalanya cuman sampe tulisan blackberry yg background putih :'(((((( udah nyangkut smpe situ doang nyalanya udah 4jam begitu :'(((((

@rizka : versi beta di uninstall aja say, yang versi official nya udh ada di app world.
BBM 8 yang official pada bilang lemot + boros batre, tapi itu tergantung berapa banyak contact sama grup nya juga sih, kebetulan punyaku ga terlalu banyak, jadi lumayan lancar ^^

uninstallnya gimana ? bb nya gabisa masuk ke menu homescreen, nyala cuma sampe tulisan blackberry doang :'( gak bisa diapa2in lagi . bingung , ga ngerti

@rizka :
coba dicolokin ke komputer, buka pakai blackberry desktop sofware, disitu bisa uninstall, jgn lupa backup dulu ya.

atau coba masuk safe mode, aku baca caranya disini :

okayy .. makasih ya infonya :D btw follback ya, aku baru belajar blogging heheee :) thx

@rizka : sipp.. semoga berhasil ya say
udh aku follow, happy blogging ^^

jadi..yg bikin jam pasir mulu di BBM ver. 8 ini...bisa jadi karna fitur barunya itu ya, yg minta waktu load awal lama banget, tergantung banyaknya contacts..

@inipanji : sebetulnya yang aku share versi beta nya, tp versi official nya kurleb sama sih. kebetulan aku ga pakai channel nya, jadi selama ini sih lancar-lancar aja, ga pernah jam pasir, tp jujur nyaman versi 7 sih ^^

Lebih bagus beta sebelon diofficialkan.. Skrg justru makin parah.. Btw kmu ada yg versi 8 tpi dibawah versi yg official.. Versi 8 pertama kali

@octa : ga punya bro.. aku jarang save2 installer, biasa instal via OTA

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